Ophelia by John Millais

Welcome! ~Welcome! ~ Welcome! ~Welcome! ~Welcome! ~Welcome! ~Welcome!

This website is designed for Art History students (from the ARTH 444 Art History in the New Millenium course offered by UMUC distance education) to use as an interactive Web 2.0 tool where they can find and share various types of resources found on the web. This is a collaborative effort! As noted in your guide to using this blog found in our WebTycho classroom, feel free to add your own Main Entries. I expect that there will be many Main Entries created to deal specifically with resources from different time periods and movements.

Art History Resource Pages ~Art History Resource Pages

These pages are models for what we hope to achieve with this blog. Check out one of the finest offered by the UC Davis University Library:

Humanities & Social Sciences: Art History

Another excellent resource is Boston University's Fine Arts Department's
Art Links on the World Wide Web.

Image Collections ~Image Collections ~Image Collections

One of the best and largest (and continually growing) free image collections on the internet and one of the longest in existence is the Carol Jackson Fine Art - Virtual Art Museum.

Another great place to look for indexed images is the Art Images for College Teaching website.

A collaborative online effort seen at the Wikimedia Commons is exciting!

An enormously huge online art museum can be seen here: Art Renewal Center!

A great list (though not as comprehensive as I hope ours will be) is the Image Collections and Digital Imaging Information list offered as another section of the Boston College Art Links on the World Wide Web page.

Note: Lists such as these that provide individual links are perfectly fine to post to each area of this blog. The challenge will be to find other excellent resources not necessarily listed on such lists. Annotating WHY you choose to post a particular link or list is one of the course requirements found in your Using Our Classroom Blog Guide found in our WebTycho classroom.

Individual Museum Sites ~Individual Museum Sites ~Individual Museum Sites

This area will list links to either individual museum sites we find of interest as well as links to lists of individual museum sites. Think global!

The Museum of Modern Art in NYC

Virtual Library museums pages

Other Art History Blogs ~Other Art History Blogs ~Other Art History Blogs

This is another area of this website that should naturally grow by leaps and bounds as new Art History blogs are springing up everyday. Here are just a few to get us started:

Blogs.com list titled: Top 10 Art History and Museum Blogs

The Art History Blog

An excellent example of an individual contribution to Art History online can be seen at this web page about Elizabeth Siddal, the wife of artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti and an artist in her own right:
LizzieSiddal.com: Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal

Modern Kicks

Ms. Miller's Art Blog

Online Art History Databases ~Online Art History Databases

The definitive online Art History database can be found at the following site:

From their About Us page: "We have now indexed over 2,300 art sites, and offer over 95,000 links to an estimated 180,000 artworks by 8,200 renowned artists."

Other Art History Course Materials Online

A treasure trove of other Art History courses' materials can be found here at one of the links provided by the aforementioned Art Links on the World Wide Web site sponsored by Boston University Fine Arts Department. Can you find other Art History Course Materials not listed there besides our own in-progress one?

Course Materials on the World Wide Web.

Pathfinders ~Pathfinders ~Pathfinders ~Pathfinders ~Pathfinders

Pathfinders help you find your path through the myriad of resources available to you. Here is an excellent example of one that offers a timeline as its' starting point:

Art History Resources on the Web
by Art History Professor Dr. Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe at Sweet Briar College in Virgina. This has been in existence for 14 years already!

Here is our very own UMUC's Guide to Art History Resources.

Podcasts ~Podcasts ~Podcasts ~Podcasts ~Podcasts ~Podcasts ~Podcasts

An interesting new technology whereby students can listen, view and learn about a various topics related to Art History~Art History Podcasts! Here are two of the major players in this endeavor:

Art History in just a minute sponsored by EwArt Productions.

Video Podcasts brought to you by Smarthistory, The Blog.

At the end of the semester, you will all be adding your final podcast project to this area of our blog!

Subscription Art History Databases ~Subscription Art History Databases

This is one of the databases UMUC offers students access to. It contains thousands of articles and images and various educational materials such as thematic guides. Here is their homepage:

Oxford Art Online

UMUC students must access it through their library portal here:

UMUC Access to Oxford Art Online

Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats

A caveat is a word of warning or caution. Caveat One: Do not plagiarize. Indicate your sourses by building an appropriate hyperlink to the original source and when possible, indicate both the title of the artwork and the artist with a link to the original source.

Here is a primer on copyright issues: Crash Course in Copyright by the University of Texas.

Caveat Two: Be critical of your chosen resources. Here are two excellent guides to help you determine if individual websites are good choices for including in our resource guide here:
Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask from the UC Berkeley Library.

Evaluating Information Found on the Internet from the Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University.

Extra Credit ~Extra Credit ~Extra Credit ~Extra Credit ~Extra Credit

Week One: Extra Credit will be awarded to the first ten students who can identify each painting featured on this site under the main headings by artist, title, year(s) created and their current location in terms of museum or collection. Submit this in your Class Assignments area in the WebTycho classroom. There are at this time twelve main entries: