Ophelia by John Millais

Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats ~Caveats

A caveat is a word of warning or caution. Caveat One: Do not plagiarize. Indicate your sourses by building an appropriate hyperlink to the original source and when possible, indicate both the title of the artwork and the artist with a link to the original source.

Here is a primer on copyright issues: Crash Course in Copyright by the University of Texas.

Caveat Two: Be critical of your chosen resources. Here are two excellent guides to help you determine if individual websites are good choices for including in our resource guide here:
Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask from the UC Berkeley Library.

Evaluating Information Found on the Internet from the Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University.